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  • Technology practically evolves at the speed of light. Gadgets that used to push the envelope years ago make excellent paper weights today! Everybody loves getting new gadgets, but what do you do with tech you no longer use? A common dilemma encountered while moving is deciding what to do with obsolete gadgets and gizmos; purging […]

    Good news for environmentalists and also for anybody who likes the idea of extremely low cost-per-day of driving a vehicle in Little Rock. Arkansas car dealerships will soon offer Chevy Volts for sale, the average cost of operation being about one dollar! In addition to the new cars, Arkansas residents will be seeing more charging […]

    There are many instances for home owners and renters alike where leaks can occur in or around your dwelling. There are various solutions for leak-related problems in the home which can be put into play, but bigger leaks are not so easy to remedy. Your Little Rock mover here was watching television yesterday evening, relaxing […]

    How many times have you found yourself taking a shower, fidgeting to no end with the hot and cold water trying to achieve that perfect temperature? We’ve all been there plenty of times; what a hassle! Showers, though intended for a means of cleanliness, are also supposed to be a relaxing exercise. If you have […]