Earlier in the year, there was a cow named Dudley that narrowly escaped death. He was set to be slaughtered, but an issue with his foot spared his life, and The Gentle Barn swooped in and rescued him. The Gentle Barn is an organization that rescues animals, along with working with children that have special […]
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Recently we have seen a push for greener practices when it comes to the food that we eat. More people are shopping at farmer’s markets, people are eating organic, gmo free foods, and people want to know where their food came from. This national trend for eating green has moved to Knoxville, where urban gardens […]
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Storms that have been scouring the city of Knoxville have left behind huge amounts of damage in recent days. The most affected was Madisonville, as building official Tony Wilson states that, “it’s very unsafe right now.” Some of the damage included several trees being uprooted – not only were power lines knocked down, but one […]
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