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  • The average person goes to work or school each day, comes home and rest, then starts that process over the next day.  The monotony of life often demands an outlet for some form of entertainment or recreation. Recreation these days cost, so how do you enjoy entertainment without stepping outside of your budget?  Today we […]

    The phrase, it’s a buyers’ market is being echoed across these United States. As a result, many who only dreamed of ownership are now moving towards it. What a joy new home ownership brings!
    Now, if you’re like me there are years and years of stuff you’ve accumulated. If you don’t seek help with this new […]

    Life is full of choices.  These choices invariably affect a number of things.  As consumers, revenue rises and falls on our choice of a particular brand, store preference, doctor visit and of host of other things.  Considering we can change profitability for others, why not shift our choices to impact our own pockets?  A few […]

    The weekend is here, and so is Halloween. What do you have planned for this weekend’s celebration?  As we conclude our Halloween savings tips, let’s look at ways to save on fun things to do.

    Trick or treat, trick or treat give me something good to eat!  What’s the menu for your Halloween party this weekend?  Today we will look at ways to save on party food for this weekend’s haunted celebration. Make a grocery list first.  The worst thing you could do is go to the store and just […]

    When cooking up a great dish there are usually a number of ingredients that ensure its success. It’s the same way with moving in Little Rock. The first step is preparation. As with cooking, you don’t just throw items in the pot. However, you have to cut up your seasoning, wash off your meat, season […]

    We’re getting closer and closer to Halloween.  Kids dressed as Ghosts and Goblins will soon be floating around neighborhoods, ringing doorbells and belting out the famous line, trick or treat…give me something good to eat.  For those who will celebrate with a party or even just want to set the mood for the kids, let’s […]

    The focal point for most kids this Halloween season, second to a slamming costume, is the treats.  So if you’re a parent, make certain you are loaded with a host of candy and snacks for the neighbors.  Today we will look at ways you can save on treats for the kids.

    When you call in to schedule an appointment for a moving estimate or obtain a moving quote, your agent will begin by gathering information about your move. Review the list of questions below: How many bedrooms? What’s the square-footage of your home? Do you have any large or fragile items? Is your home one story, […]

    Children across the country will canvass neighborhoods this weekend seeking treats in celebration of Halloween 2010.  In preparation for the big celebration consumers are shopping around for the best price on Halloween costumes, decor, party food and treats.  This week we will target areas you can save for Halloween 2010.  Today let’s look at ways […]