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  • Moving to your new home can be a costly event. No matter what, your move will come with expenses. You’re sure to debate in your head whether you’ll hire professional Phoenix area movers or go another, non professional route. So why go pro when you’re moving? There are plenty of reasons. For one, you don’t […]

    Bargains are everywhere; you just have to know where to look. With the holidays getting closer, bargains are especially important right now. There are plenty of places to look when you are trying to make the most out of your dollar. Here are some thoughts to get your brain into bargain hunting mode. Second Hand […]

    In a not-so-perfect world, worst case scenarios are bound to happen. This is the last thing you want to think about when you’re looking to hire professional movers, but should be kept in the forefront of your thoughts just in case things go south. Worst case scenarios happen to the best of us; just ask […]

    More quickly than some would prefer, the holidays are approaching. This leaves little time for those of us who have yet to finish our holiday shopping! Last minute shopping, just like last minute moving, can have very stressful effects on you. But last minute shopping can have its advantages during the holiday season too! So […]

    Moving your home requires the use of resources. We’re human, just about everything we do requires us to consume natural resources. There is not a lot we can do to avoid using natural resources all together; but we can do our part to be more environmentally friendly in our day-to-day life so that our much-needed […]

    Flu season is in full-swing. It is during this time of the year when germ-deterrence is most important. Protecting yourself from airborne bacteria and germs should be a constant objective for you though. Protecting yourself from germs is easy! Follow this guide and you’ll be much less likely to call in to work sick this […]

    Whether you are planning a local move in Phoenix, or just need to raise some extra cash for holiday shopping, ‘tis the season for strategic budgeting. One effective way to raise extra money is to sell items online. You may even end up saving money if you sell a good amount of furniture, the less […]

    If you’re moving locally in Portland this winter; start off on the right foot in your new home. There are several easy steps you can take that will help save money on energy costs and make your new home a more comfortable place to live.
    The first step I suggest is to check doors and windows […]

    Do-It-Yourself projects have their obvious advantages. In most cases, DIY projects save you quite a bit of cash, and provide valuable experience to be used or passed on in the future. On top of that, do-it-yourself ventures are also fun! However; it is important to distinguish wise DIY decisions from unwise ones. Knowing which projects […]

    Growing up I remember having several classmates who were military brats.  These kids were required to move pretty often.   I remember thinking, that must have been hard.  They were forced to learn a new neighborhood, friends, school, sports etc., all over again.
    Moving can be difficult on children as well as adults, however, with the […]