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  • There’s definitely going to be a lot of eating going on this coming Thursday, but what do you do once you’ve downed enough food and drinks?  Holidays are a time for family and friends to gather around and enjoy one another.  Today we will look at some inexpensive ways to have fun this Thanksgiving day.

    This scenario is often somewhat cumbersome, but with the right Ft. Myers moving company at the helm, it can be done. When you phone in to arrange your move, explain your situation.  Provide as many details as possible so that they can adequately prepare for you.  Now keep in mind, experienced movers understand closing dates […]

    Glad you asked! Many consumers shy away from hiring movers. The number one reason is usually cost. Many individuals just assume it’s not affordable without obtaining a moving quote. Others receive a quote and figure they can save money by handling their move themselves. A word to the wise…moving is affordable and the heartache and […]

    Turkey isn’t the only star on Thanksgiving Day.  Families across the country will decorate their doors and dinner tables with festive paraphernalia exemplary of the season.  Today we will look at ways to save on Thanksgiving decorations.

    Your Thanksgiving Day celebration will undoubtedly involve a scrumptious dinner and lots of fun with family and friends.  The traditional dinner usually involves a turkey or ham and all of the trimmings.  The trimmings vary from house to house, but most often include, dressing/stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, vegetables, mac and cheese and lots more. Made […]

    Furniture stores are buzzing with consumers purchasing new dining room, living room and even bedroom pieces just in time for the holidays. Although the economy has shown gradual signs of improvement, people are still looking for ways to cut corners. When adding up the price of their purchase, delivery is almost always a fee consumers […]

    We’re just nine days away from Thanksgiving 2010.  Have you completed your plans for turkey day?  If your celebration involves traveling out of town to spend time with family and friends, allow me to offer a few tips to help you save on travel.

    One of the worst things that can happen for anyone moving from one place to the next is to have their movers not show. From time to time movers in Cincinnati will get bogged down by jobs, but to not show is unacceptable. The only way to truly avoid this issue is to fully research […]

    Adequate wrapping of your items is required to make certain they are safe for the duration of your move in Charlotte. Wrapping must be done with packing paper as oppose to newsprint. Newsprint will cause ink to transfer to your valuables. Clean unprinted packing paper will keep your items clean and safe. You begin by placing […]

    This is a plausible question to ask yourself, especially when it comes to deciding which Baton Rouge moving company will move your items. Some of the simple things a local mover does can mean a lot in a great business to customer relationship, you want a moving company that is committed to doing the things […]