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  • This is a plausible question to ask yourself, especially when it comes to deciding which Baton Rouge moving company will move your items. Some of the simple things a local mover does can mean a lot in a great business to customer relationship, you want a moving company that is committed to doing the things […]

    Moving costs add up rather quickly. So, preparing a moving budget is key to ensure you stay on track with your expenses. Below are areas you should consider when formulating your moving costs. Transportation is one line item you must consider. If it’s a long distance move, how will you get there? If driving you […]

    All of Louisiana is still celebrating the New Orleans Saints securing their first ever championship title. The season opener in New Orleans is proof. Most schools had an early dismissal, and city businesses also closed early in preparation for last Thursday night’s season opener against Brett Favre and the Minnesota Vikings. There was also a […]

    This week will mark the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. While many citizens moved back to New Orleans over a year ago, several residents hit all sorts of road blocks and were forced to make Baton Rouge and surrounding areas their home. Areas like the lower ninth ward and New Orleans East are steadily receiving […]

    About 160 miles inland from the BP oil spill rest the flavorful city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Despite the unfortunate events in the gulf, Baton Rouge, the Capitol of Louisiana, is still thriving. The city is home of the LSU Tigers and Southern Jaguars. A large amount of the students from these universities have become […]

    We are all too familiar with nightmares. Theres the sweating and waking up in a panic all due to a scary dream. The reality is it was only a dream. However, moving nightmares happen every day. If you’re moving in Baton Rouge soon, be careful that you don’t hire movers who can’t deliver on time, […]

    Is that your question today? If so, allow me to provide you with a few tips to help you adequately plan for your upcoming move. First, I recommend a short brainstorming session of anticipated moving costs. These costs should encompass all costs prior, during and after your move. Prior to your move you may encounter […]

    Just like moving a home, making an office or commercial move can be complex and at times overwhelming. Hiring a reputable Baton Rouge moving company to handle every aspect of your move is definitely the way to go. The overall peace of mind in knowing that you have the support of an experienced Commercial mover […]

    Contact a local Baton Rouge moving company today to secure a moving quote.  I typically recommend securing about three quotes.  You can go online to the moving company’s website or call and speak with one of their Baton Rouge moving experts via phone.  Be prepared to supply them with some basic information regarding your move.  […]

    I remember as a kid being dropped off by my grandparents when I was sick.  The way I felt in their care was like no other.  You know, it was really just a higher measure of service.  My parents had to go to work and couldn’t devote that type of time and attention.  In business […]