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  • This past Saturday, bicyclists from Kansas City shared the Ward Parkway with fellow walkers and cyclists for the city’s first annual Cycle in the City event.

    Put on by the Public Works Department, Cycle in the City is an open street festival that aims to make the car-centric community more walkable and friendly to bike riders.

    According to Deb Ridgway, Kansas City’s bicycle pedestrian coordinator, “we let cars take over. The idea behind Cycle in the City “is to get people out and active and to really see their neighborhood in a new way.”

    In total, the first annual event attracted hundreds of Kansas City locals that were eager and ready to take on the two mile loop. The event was not just limited to biking – it also included a climbing wall, yoga classes, dance classes, a bike safety course, food stands and lawn games. Needless to say, it drew out families with kids from every age group.

    The event originally began back in 1974 in Bogota, Colombia, and has spread from Europe to Australia and now the United States. It is such a popular event, that the entire event was paid for with a $85,590 federal transportation grant and local sponsorships.

    Deb Ridgway states that, “we’re starting with Ward Parkway because it’s our most iconic. We want to take this to a different neighborhood every year.” The goal of hosting the event is to try and make it an annual event throughout Kansas City every year.

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    A group of elementary school students surprised their local police offers with a token of their appreciation for just how hard they work to serve and protect their Jacksonville community.

    Students from the Chimney Lakes Elementary School in Jacksonville put together a sweet treat for their police – they put together bags of candy for each officer. Each piece of candy in the bags were intentional – they all stand for something that will help protect the police in the line of fire. Each bag came fully equipped with a note labeled “Survival Kit for Police,” with each piece of candy having a specific meaning.

    When taking a peek into the bag, you can expect to find a Starburst for a burst of energy, a Lifesaver in order to remind them of how many times they have been one, a Payday because the officers are not doing their job for the money, Hershey Kisses to remember the students’ love for them, gum so that everyone can stick together, a Tootsie Roll in order to help them roll with the punches, a peppermint patty to keep them cool, a Snickers that will allow them to keep their humor, and a Mounds bar for “the mounds of courage” the officers show on a daily basis.

    Needless to say, the police were overjoyed with the elementary students’ thoughtful gifts to them. Other classes in the school have started to put together similar candy bags for other members of the Jacksonville community.

    The post Jacksonville Officers Get Sweet Treats appeared first on Jacksonville Movers - Jacksonville Moving Company - (904) 642 - 6900.

    A local Denver program that offers services to those with disabilities, just received the go-ahead to expand its center. The nonprofit organization, Community Living Alternatives, offers residential as well as single day program options to those in their care.

    They focus on helping those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. As of now, they currently have 14 clients that they help on a daily basis. Until recently, all of their services took place at their administrative offices and not an actual facility. This not only limited how many clients they could accept, but also the variety and types of programs that they could offer.

    Now that they have expanded their center to a completely new building, their programs are running much more smoothly. Executive director of Community Living Alternatives, Barbara Kenyon-Mohrlang, reminisces that the previous room they were confined to was “about 13 feet wide by maybe 30 feet and we literally had it split up so that there was a computer lab and then the everything-else room. Now it’s a little more organized and in a classroom-type setting so the various activities are more organized and defined.”

    The expansion finally was able to come to fruition after over two years of fundraising and careful planning when it came to finding the perfect center. And Community Living Alternatives could not be more pleased – the new building has a new full kitchen, dining area, computer lab, music room, sensory room and a large backyard. So far, the center has plans to create a vegetable garden for the Denver community and an outdoor yoga area – just in time for summer!

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    In cities like Salt Lake City where homelessness has historically been a problem, the new approach that has been in the works for the past decade is welcomed by everyone involved. Instead of leaving people on the streets to be alcoholics, struggle, and be an expensive tax on society, Salt Lake City decided to try something unheard of.

    When the right people came together and decided to make a change, something magical happened. Salt Lake City built housing for homeless people that was fully furnished and included therapists. The city figured out that if you help homeless people by giving them housing to move in to, and treating them for the issues that have kept them on the streets, it is actually less expensive.

    Homeless people will sometimes tell you that jail is better than being on the streets, so they will purposely commit crimes so that they have a few nights inside, with a bed, and three meals a day. This mentality is exactly what is costing tax payers money. In order to tackle the problem, providing these people with a home of their own, where they have a bed, a TV, and all the amenities that they want, is actually a motivator for them to get their lives back on track. Coupled with counseling that is specific to their issues, homeless people are turning a new leaf in life and getting off the streets. The kicker is it actually costs tax payers less than if they were living on the streets. Homeless people are moving to Salt Lake City so that they can get this boost and start their journey to being a contributing member to society.

    The post Homeless Moving to Salt Lake City for Help appeared first on Salt Lake City Movers – Salt Lake City Moving Company – (801) 364-9100.

    Moving to a new place can sometimes mean you have to find someone new to move in with. If you are unfamiliar with the area and you don’t have any friends, finding a roommate can be incredibly stressful; however, beneficial. There are some websites that you can go through, but most people go through their friends or use Craigslist. If you are moving to West Palm Beach, here are some tips to remember when you are looking for a roommate.

    The most important aspect of having a roommate is having someone that can pull their own weight. The whole point is to share the burden. One of the most important criteria for picking your potential roomie is that they have a job. Without a job there is typically no reliable income, and an income that isn’t reliable with most definitely lead to arguments over money matters and potentially place you in a bad financial situation.

    When talking to a potential roommate, try and figure out some of their habits. Are they ever home? Do they always have people tagging along with them? Do they work from home? What is their definition of clean? All of these are questions you will most likely figure out the answer to eventually, so why not be straightforward and figure out what you are getting yourself into before you sign the contract and move in with someone you barely know.

    And finally, background checks will always help if you are doubting someone’s persona. You don’t want to share the space you’re living, with someone that could potentially be dangerous, so a quick background check can ease any worries you may have.

    The post Picking a Roommate when Moving appeared first on West Palm Movers – West Palm Moving Company – (561) 233 - 7900.

    Recently we have seen a push for greener practices when it comes to the food that we eat. More people are shopping at farmer’s markets, people are eating organic, gmo free foods, and people want to know where their food came from. This national trend for eating green has moved to Knoxville, where urban gardens are picking up steam within the local community.

    Knoxville leaders and Knoxville movers have been pushing for a way to incorporate urban gardens into the city. These gardens would be community gardens that everyone in the community would take care of and everybody would be able to take from them. It is a way to not only bring people together, but also to create a greener environment in the concrete jungle that is Knoxville.

    Schools all over the country have recently started teaching their students how to grow gardens, whether through a garden at the school, or a local garden that they take field trips to. This green initiative is teaching kids how things work and showing them that food doesn’t just come from the grocery store, you can grow it and take care of it on your own.

    The proposal for green gardens in Knoxville has passed through the Metropolitan Planning Commission and could be voted on in June. This green initiative would catch on to a movement that has been brewing nationwide.

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    If you are moving to Columbus, there is a new discussion sparking interest for children – ballet versus hip-hop classes in town.

    A new study published in the journal Pediatrics reports that hip-hop classes provide the least amount of “standing time”. Basically, if you are looking for a class that your kid will love, while getting exercise, hip-hop classes are the way to go – rather than the popular ballet.

    Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per day, they also recommend that schools or afterschool programs provide 30 minutes of this activity. So if you are going to enroll your child into an afterschool activity, you should ultimately choose one that provides the greatest amount of constant activity – not so much ballet.

    More results – partnered dance classes came in second, with 22.3 minutes of constant activity; followed by jazz, tap, and Latin dance classes. Another twist on the findings – private studio classes prove to be more productive and active, than compared to community classes.

    The post Ballet vs. Hip-Hop Classes appeared first on Columbus Movers – Columbus Moving Company – (614) 405-7202.

    Now that summer is here, it is time for students to take a break. Especially high school students that just graduated; a handful are going to head to college in the fall, and going to college is one crazy ride. It’s a whole new experience. From being on your own for the first time to making new friends, it can be kind of scary.

    If you are going away to college in Milwaukee this fall, keep the following things in mind:

    First of all, it will be cold during the winter, so remember to plan accordingly. If your mom keeps reminding you to pack your winter coat, and you think she’s being annoying, take the coat. With winters as cold as they are in Milwaukee, you’ll thank her later. In this situation, it is better to have too much, than to stress about the next time you can go home to get your coat.

    When it comes to making new friends, there is one thing to remember: everyone is in the same boat. Everyone has just been uprooted and is coming to a new environment – just like you. People are looking to make friends – just like you are. College in Milwaukee is a completely different world from high school, and you’ll realize that when you start making friends. Just smile and talk to people.

    Finally, being away from home for the first time can be intimidating. Thankfully, just like making new friends, everyone else is in the same boat. Reaching out to friends when you get homesick, can make you feel like you really are not as far from home as you think you are.

    The post Going to College in Milwaukee appeared first on Milwaukee Movers – Milwaukee Moving Company – (414) 764 - 0335.

    If you recently moved to Tulsa, you may not know about the tragic Memorial Day of 1984. Since the tragic incident, the city of Tulsa has become an example for flood control with its network of ponds and channels. The city has continued to prevent floods by moving the water away from the neighborhood and residences.

    Tulsa city officials have developed a sustainable system to satisfy the high demand for housing in the area while preserving the safety of the people. Signs are up to warn people where possible flooding could take place, because in the city of Tulsa, safety is first.

    The results speak for themselves. The future seems bright. The housing industry is going up and people are lining up to buy homes. Now, that is an investment we can trust. Long gone are the days where the water flooded and damaged homes and buildings. The success is the product of a well-planned model and appropriate resource allocation.

    The city of Tulsa, in conjunction to The Federal Emergency Management Agency, funded this program. Now residences no longer have to worry about flooding despite Tulsa’s history. The retention flood is a mixed between cement channels and retention floods. The city has turned most of the land into parks and athletic fields. Tulsa won’t allow history to repeat itself.

    If you are new to the Tulsa area, rest assured that your home will be safe from flooding. With all the new developments, your Tulsa movers know that our city is safe and wonderful place to raise a family!

    The post City of Tulsa Prevents Floods and Prioritizes Safety appeared first on Tulsa Movers – Tulsa Moving Compny – (918) 621-1102.

    Folks in Louisiana love them some Jazz music! Last weekend’s Jazz Fest topped last year’s crowd numbers and, well…made history with this year’s crowd reaching around 460,000! Kicking off May with a huge bang, the 2015 Jazz Fest featured 60 food tents, and music to likes of Elton John, Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. However, the large turnout was not to anyone but ticket sales’ benefit; according to locals who attended.

    Resident Jane Finney Haas explained as she was making her way to get food and then head back to the Blues Tent to see Aaron Neville perform, “I got caught in this literal gridlock, no one was moving. No one could see. For 45 minutes everyone was in this tidal wave.” She said she left to go get an amazing bowl of quail gumbo – one of the perks to Jazz Fest in New Orleans – at 3:15 p.m. and Aaron Neville’s was set to perform at 4:20 p.m. – she never made it to the food or Neville.

    The mass gridlock quickly caught the attention and concern for many of the attendees; complaining that not only could they not see anything, they also couldn’t move. Concert security officials say that this is common for a venue that sells far beyond their capacity, there should be a cap on ticket availability.

    According to many social media accounts, Jazz Fest was “Music Heaven”; however, more and more attendants Tweeted that it was a nightmare.

    “I’ve never experienced anything like that,” said Haas, a New Orleanian who has been going to Jazz Fest nearly every year since 1974. “I was scared even though I’m used to crowds.”

    If you are moving to Louisiana and love jazz, hopefully the 2016 Jazz Fest will be one that you can make it to and enjoy the music and quail gumbo. Despite the capacity issue, Baton Rouge movers urge new residents to check it out, you will love it and you will get to taste some of Louisiana’s finest cuisine!